The Snoozer Cozy Cave® is the bed that started it all! Perfect for dogs who like to burrow and nestle under covers, providing warmth and comfort throughout the year.

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How to Wash Your Snoozer Cozy Cave®

Your Snoozer Cozy Cave® is designed to provide years of comfort for your dog and periodic washing will help keep it fresh and clean. This video and the instructions below will show you how to wash your Cozy Cave:


Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Unzip back of cover and remove liner.
  2. Locate hidden hole in arch and remove pipe. (Tip: Look 4-5 cm up from lower left corner of arch. You'll need to move the fur around to find it.)
  3. Machine wash and dry cover. (The liner is not washable.)
  4. Re-insert pipe.
  5. Re-insert liner and zip back of the cover closed.

That's it! Your dog now has a fresh and clean Cozy Cave® to enjoy! 

Need a Replacement Cover?

We offer replacement Cozy Cave® covers and components for years of comfortable use!

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